
Synthesis is advanced literature review software with analytical and automation functionality for delivering timely evidence-based information in hours, not months, for better decisions.

Synthesis is a comprehensive research reference management system, but goes beyond traditonal reference management to deliver timely evidence-based information using advanced analytics.

Synthesis was specifically designed for perfoming Rapid Literature Reviews and Scoping Reviews.

The following are some of the major features that can be found in Synthesis:

  • Embedded online search to find and import references from PubMed, PubMed Central, IEEE,, and US patents directly within Synthesis
  • Ability to import references from a number of web-based bibliographical databases such as Ovid Medline and Embase, Web of Knowledge, ProQuest, Scopus, and many others that use the common RIS reference format.
  • Grey Literature import from reference files or by manual entry
  • Automated PDF download and full text search indexing
  • High-speed search including full text to find matching project references in milliseconds
  • Literature review project management including primary and secondary reviewer workflow, kappa score calculation, and project notes
  • Embedded PDF viewer with automatic highlighting of project based terms and search terms
  • Analytics including Enhanced Charts, Word Clouds, Topic Clustering, and Automated Meta-Deta extraction.

Synthesis is available for the Windows, Macintosh, and Linux Platform.