Features - Tabs

This chapter provides an overview of the features that are included in the Tabs located on the main Window (lower left corner).

The following Tabs are located on the bottom of the main window of Synthesis.
  • Paper: Shows more detailed information for the currently selected reference, such as Title, Authors, Abstract, Subject Headings (e.g. MeSH), as well as, the ability for adding user comments and for assigning the inclusion/exclusion for that individual reference. See Paper Tab
  • Stats: Provides summary statistics about the references currently being displayed. Summary statistics include kappa scores, references imported, duplicate references, number of references from source databases (e.g. PubMed, IEEE, etc.), top 20 journals, top 20 MeSH (Subject) headings, and breakdown of publication year. See Stats Tab
  • Bibliography: Provides a variety of bibliography/reference styles as basic text for the references currently being displayed. BiBTeX and [Author, Title, Journal, Issue] are options. The latter style provides additional levels of information , such as adding the abstract and user comments. See Bibliography Tab
  • Word Cloud: The Word Cloud shows the words represented proportional to their frequency in either the title or the abstract. The words are clickable and can be used to drill down on the references currently being displayed (i.e. whenever a Word Cloud word is clicked it is added to the Search filter). See Word Cloud Tab
  • Topic Cluster: Provides an automated machine learning approach to showing the topics identified in the references being displayed. The topics are auto-generated from the reference's abstracts. See Topic Cluster Tab
  • Project Information: Provides information about the project. This information includes the Project Description, and the ability to modify the keywords that can be highlighted in either the Abstract or Full-Text (PDF). See Project Information Tab