Synthesis in Ten Steps

This ten-step workflow is recommended when conducting scoping reviews and meta analyses in Synthesis.

Use this procedure to get from a blank project to a completed scoping review.
  1. Create New Project - see Creating a New Project
  2. Configure Settings - see Working with Settings
    1. Project > Project Settings
    2. Add Title and Description
    3. Type in Keywords you want highlighted
    4. Add Exclude Reasons
  3. Import Citations - see Importing References
  4. Review Duplicates
    1. Project Settings: Select Duplicate Mode
    2. Sort by Title: Review titles
    3. Include/Exclude for Duplicate
  5. Review References (inclusion/exclusion)
    1. Hint: use Search Feature to filter meaningful or non-meaningful references
  6. Download All Papers
  7. Create Custom Columns
    1. Annotate Visible Rows
  8. Export to CSV
    1. Import into Excel, STATA, etc
  9. Export to RIS
    1. Import into RefWorks, EndNote, etc
  10. Cite Synthesis in your Paper