Strategic Analysis

Perform Scoping and Systematic Reviews quickly and accurately using the latest automation and information management algorithms.

Reference Management

Synthesis organizes and manages all your references and PDFs. You can then quickly search the Abstract and Full-Text PDFs for keywords and phrases.

Advanced Analytics

Quickly summarize the reference by searching and tagging for keywords, preform topic clustering or word clouds on the literature, and then graph all your data.

Multiple Databases

PubMed, PubMed Central, IEEE, US Patents, Ovid (Medline, Embase, Global Health), Web of Science, Scopus, ProQuest, and many others..


Export capabilities for sharing the Knowledge that you have just created as either CSV files or for importing into Cite and Write managers.

Internationally Recognized

Synthesis is used in academic research universities, hospitals, government agencies, private corporations and non-governmental organziations throughout the world.


Synthesis applies the latest in automation and enhanced analytic functionality for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of conducting literature reviews...

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How to get started

Explore the features of Synthesis to see what truly sets it apart from other approaches for managing and analyzing the academic and business literature.

Synthesis provides online embedded searching on major bibliographical databases, validated automated de-duplication of references, automated importing of PDFs, methods to analyze the literature, and many more features.

Synthesis is available for Windows, Macintosh, Linux and as a Java application that can be run on any platform.

Find out more

  • I want to have Access to the latest Literature in the Fastest Possible way and Quickly Assess it.


  • We need Systems with Automation and Artificial Intelligence that Allows Literature Reviews to be conducted quickly and efficiently.

    Academic Researcher

  • We need a Computer System for Healthcare that Puts the Information at My Finger Tips and Tells Me Everything I Need to Know.

    Hospital Administrator

  • We need Information Systems that Aren't Based in 1970s Technology

    Medical Student

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Synthesis Research Inc.

Synthesis Research Inc is a software development company focused on improving the way that literature is managed and analyzed. This desire is based around the goal of providing the best synthesized knowledge for supporting evidence-based decision making.

Synthesis Research Inc applies the latest computer science algorithms based around automation and information retrieval and management for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of conducting literature reviews through automating manual processes and enhancing the workflow.