Export to CSV
Allows the references currently being displayed in the Reference Table to be exported to a CSV (Comma Separated File) file for secondary analysis.
To export the references to an external CSV file:
- The references currently being displayed in the Reference Table on the Synthesis Main Window are the only references that will be exported.
- There are two ways in which the number of references can be affected. This is either through the Search Filter (see TODO) or through the Reviewers Ratings Pull-Down (i.e. Show All Papers, Show Included Papers, Show Excluded Papers), both located on the Synthesis Main Window.
- Once you have verified that these are the references that you want exported, click on the "Export to CSV" button.
- A File Selection Window will now be displayed. Choose your desired directory to
save the file, and type in your file name.
- Note: The CSV filename extension (i.e. .csv) will automatically be added (e.g. "patientflow.csv").
Figure: Export to CSV - Choose Filename
- Click the "Save" button to export the references.
- The file will now be saved and a confirmation window will appear showing the nmber
of references exported.
Figure: Export to CSV - Confirm
- Click the "OK" button to return to the Synthesis Main Window.
The CSV file can now be imported into other software applications (e.g. Microsoft Excel, R, etc.).
The CSV file that is produced contains the followings information (i.e. columns):
- Primary/Secondary Research Ratings
- Primary Abstract (i.e. inclusion/exclusion)
- Primary Paper (i.e. inclusion/exclusion)
- Secondary Abstract (i.e. inclusion/exclusion)
- Secondary Paper (i.e. inclusion/exclusion)
- Abstract/FullText (i.e. inclusion/exclusion)
- Duplicate (i.e. is this reference a Duplicate)
- Have PDF (i.e. is a PDF attached to this reference)
- Reference Information
- Year
- Author
- Title
- Journal
- Issue
- System Reference Information
- Id (Synthesis unique reference identifer)
- DuplicateOf
- Source (bibliographic data source were the reference was imported from)
- pmid (PubMed identifier)
- pub_affiliation (PubMed affilication field)
- pub_author (PubMed author field)
- pub_journal (PubMed journal name field)
- pub_journalshort (PubMed journal short name field)
- pub_place (PubMed publication location field - e.g. Canada, United States, etc.)
- pub_type (PubMed publication type field - e.g. Editorial, Research Article, etc.)
- pub_issns (PubMed issn field - publication identifer)
- Reference Content
- Abstract
- Primary Comment (primary comment filed located in Paper Tab on Synthesis Main Window)
- Secondary Comment (secondary comment filed located in Paper Tab on Synthesis Main Window)
- Source (bibliographic data source were the reference was imported from)
- Custom Columns (all custom columsn that were created)