Grey Literature

Grey Literature is the ability to manually enter references that may not be available from a bibliographical data source.

Synthesis Main Window Menu: Tools > Grey Literature

The Grey Literature window displays references that have been manually entered in the top spreadsheet-like interface. There are four main buttons that act as the key actions for the Grey Literature interface:
  • New - Allows you to enter in a new reference.
  • Paste - Allows you to paste in a BibTex reference. BibTex is a format that is used mainly in the technical (i.e. computer science, engineering, and science literature). [TODO]
  • Edit - Allows you to Edit a reference (i.e. click on the reference you want to edit and click the Edit button).
  • Delete - Allows you to Delete a reference (i.e. click on the reference you want to edit and click the Delete button). A confirmation window (i.e. "Do you really want to Delete this Reference?") will appear.

Figure: Grey Literature

Note: The references from the Grey Literature will show up under the heading of "Grey Literature" data source in the Stats tab (see Stats Tab).
Table 1. Field Descriptions for Grey Literature References
Field Description
Title The Title of the reference (e.g. Statistics in the 21st Century).
Author The Authors of the reference in the format Lastname FI <comma> Lastname FI (e.g. Smith FN, Chu X, Wallace RT)
Journal The Jourmal of the reference (e.g. Journal of Rapid Litertaure Reviews).
Year The Year of the reference (e.g. 2001).
Volume The Volume of the reference (e.g. 12).
Issue The Issue of the reference (e.g. 134).
Page(s) The pages of the reference (e.g. 12-17)
DOI The DOI (Digitial Object Indentifier) of the reference. The DOI is an unique URL that articles (i.e. publications) are assigned (see
URL The URL (i.e. website) of the reference (e.g.
Abstract The abstract of the reference.
Keyword Keywords that are associated with the reference. Keywords must be separated with a comma (e.g. robots, healthcare, inoovation).