Preferences are the settings that are associated with the overall operation of Synthesis. Preferences includes eZProxy settings (i.e. ability to access an instituation's library resources remotely), assigning the Synthesis projects directory (e.g. assigning a or folder for all Synthesis projects), Inet Proxy Server Settings (i.e. ability to bypass an organizations firewall), Google Scholar accessibility (i.e. ability to use Google Scholar in the search for full-text PDFs).
Menu Access: Project > Preferences
Figure: Preferences Window

The Preferences features are outlined in the following table:
Feature | Description |
ezProxy | ezProxy is an industry standard for accessing academic library
bibliographical resources off-campus. Synthesis includes several
hundred pre-configured academic institutional ezProxy settings to be
automatically selected. Additionally, a user can manually enter in
an ezProxy URL if their default University is not listed (or if the
ezProxy URL has changed). An example format of the ezProxy URL is:$(user)&pass=$(pwd)&url=$(url) If manually configuring an ezProzy URL, ensure that after the login? the following parameters are included: user=$(user)&pass=$(pwd)&url=$(url) ezProxy also requires a valid Username and Password to access the university bibliographical resources. Unfortunately, the ezProxy standard does not return any information concerning whether a Username is active of it the Password is valid. |
Google Scholar | Synthesis has the ability to search Google Scholar when
attempting to download PDFs. This setting is useful if you do not
have library access to many publications. Note: Google Scholar will lock out a computer with too many requests. In this event, you will need to go to Google Scholar in a Web Browser and validate that you are a human. |
Projects Directory | Synthesis has the ability to change where the Project directories are located. This is useful if configuring Synthesis to save projects on another hard drive or in a file hosting service like or |
Inet Proxy Server | Some instituations have a Inet Proxy Server installed. In this
event, to access outside resources such as for Online Search and
Downloading of PDFs you will need to contact your Information
Technology (IT) department and request the Inet Proxy Server
information. This is usually provided in one of two formats: