Importing References from ProQuest

You can export searches from ProQuest and import the references into Synthesis. This procedure explains this process. ProQuest provides a number of different source databases, such as ones related to newspapers or dissertations.

Perform this task in order to export references from the ProQuest website, and import them into Synthesis.
Note: The web page needs to open a pop-up Window in order to export references, so this procedure may not work properly on some web browsers. If it does not work in (say) Google Chrome, try Firefox instead.
  1. Access the ProQuest search page at
  2. Enter search term in the search field at the top of the web page (e.g. "patient flow")
    1. Examine results
    2. Note: You can change ProQuest to export up to 100 references at a time. ProQuest will only export a total of 2000 references per search.

  3. Click on the Export/Save link/icon
  4. Click on the EndNote, ReferenceManager, or ProCite option. This will open a new window:
  5. Under Content dropdown, select Citation,abstract, indexing
  6. Click Continue button. This creates a file called UNKNOWN
  7. Import the file, see Importing References from Files